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Kak da si instalirame SP1 za XP

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Opaa, zabravih re6enieto :(

A to e:


1. Run regedit and go to:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\WindowsNT\Current Version\WPAEvents

on the right double click on "oobetimer" and change at least one digit of this value to deactivate windows.

2. Choose run from start menu and type in this command:

%systemroot%\system32\oobe\msoobe.exe /a

to get the activation screen and go to the second option which is activate by phone.

3. In the new screen choose the option to change product key (bottom), and type in the new product key (MC823-4TYF2-M4FHP-XKV4K-GW9HG).

4. Close that window, (optionally) reboot your system and enter the command in step 2 for the second time to verify your activation , you should see "windows is already activated".

5. Now install SP1

6. If you have done this wrong or without a valid key you will not be able to boot. hit F8 and select last known good configuration.


Dano vi svyr6i rabota :)

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Az ot niakolko dena kato se opitam da polzvam windows update mi kazva che seriinia nomer mi bil bla bla bla. Iavno i tam sa go ogranichili veche. MAMKA IM i Micro-Bilita ....... :angry:

Che kakav da mi e. Ot de da vzema 200 i kusur dolara za da si kupia win? Az da ne sam seiha na Plovdiv. :P

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