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N-Vidia Detonator


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По едно време стана въпрос за 3d Mark 03 и Нови драйвери на nvidia, които ги нямало на nvidia.com...

Тука има нещо, но на мене нещо ми дава че има седем повредени файла в архива и няма как да продължа setup-a без тях... ако някой иска да пробва ето линк:









The nVidia Detonator 43.00 drivers are not an official release yet but have been tried and tested and work very well. The specifics of what improvements they offer have not yet been released by nVidia but they carry a 13th Feb date and are therefore the most recent incarnation of the popular drivers.


They are only for Windows 2k and XP.

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