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Продавам перфектно PC 100-300лв

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CPU Athlon 2300+

Chipsets KT400

Video NVidia Geforce 5500, VRAM 256MB , AGP 8x

RAM 2x512 DDR 400

DVD-+R,W Lite-on, 10 monts garanty

HDD 200GB /34 month garanty/ Samsung


keyboard,mouse optic

case 300W Codegen


цена 300лв телефон 0888851124, 0899182078, 0877480016, e-mail:bonjohn@abv.bg


Други варианти

CPU Athlon 1700+ /-20лв/

DVD -R Toshiba /-20лв/

HDD 80GB /-50лв/

HDD 40GB /-60лв/

video ATI all-in-wander Radeon VIVO,TV tuner,64MB, /-5лв/ AGP 8x

video build in, /-50лв/

RAM 512MB 400MHz, /-40лв/

RAM 256 /-55лв/

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